Interview with Lars Nyberg

PhD in Psychology, Professor of Neuroscience, University of Umeå

Lars Nyberg is one of the initiators of Lifebrain. Together with Kristine Walhovd and Anders Fjell at the University of Oslo, he succeeded in the second attempt to obtain funding for this major EU project.

Why would you like to develop Lifebrain?

It gives us the opportunity to share data and to collaborate with experts throughout Europe. Together, we are in a much better position to learn more about the brain. In the European network, we have researchers and professionals with expertise in fields such as statistics, genetics, neurology, psychology and data processing. We need to look at the brain through various lenses to increase our overall knowledge.

Lars Nyberg, Lifebrain researcher, PI, Umeå University
Lars Nyberg, PI, Umeå University 

What are you currently working with?

I have always worked with memory. The brain retains so much. For example, we remember everyday skills like how to hold a pen, how to ride a bike or swim or how to walk. Yet when we talk about memory, most people think about what we call episodic memory – life memories - our own stories. It is exciting to find out how we store memories. Information we fail to retrieve is not necessarily lost or forgotten, but it can be difficult to recall memories.



What do you expect to achieve through Lifebrain?

I am waiting for us to build a good European network of researchers who are interested in brain research and my own field of study. I also think we will have the opportunity to investigate individual differences. Not everyone responds in the way to the same stimuli. I hope that we can find out why.

Will the results from Lifebrain have any practical significance for the average person?

I hope so, because these questions engage and involve many. For example, there is great interest in dementia and its prevention. We are constantly learning more about the importance of lifestyle for brain health. Although much is predetermined by genetics and conditions during pregnancy and in the first year of life, I think we can figure out how small changes can make a big difference.

Published June 18, 2018 9:49 AM - Last modified June 18, 2018 9:50 AM