

Time and place: , Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford, UK

The goal of the Horizon 2020 “Lifebrain” consortium has been to harmonize, enrich, and fully exploit some of the largest longitudinal studies of age effects on brain, cognition, and mental health in Europe. 

Our focus has been on the effect, over time, of education, socioeconomic status, lifestyle factors such as sleep, physical activity, and diet on potentially enhancing and protecting brain structure and function. At the closing conference of the Lifebrain Horizon 2020 consortium, Lifebrain scientists will discuss their findings regarding the effect of these factors on cognitive and mental health throughout life, with invited keynote speakers setting the international context.

This conference will gather international speakers from different disciplines including psychology, neurology, neuroimaging, psychiatry, genetics, molecular biology, and medicine.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset

I juni 2019 lanserte Lifebrain og Hjernerådet den globale hjernehelseundersøkelsen på et møte nettopp på Litteraturhuset i Oslo. Hensikten med undersøkelsen var å finne ut hva folk tenker om hjernehelse. Seniorforsker Isabelle B. Ljøsne ønsket seg 1000 svar på undersøkelsen. Da undersøkelsen ble lukket i august 2020, var det kommet inn 27 090 svar fra 81 forskjellige land. Det var overveldende. Nå er de første resultatene klare og kan leses i rapporten "How to promote people`s brain health. Disse vil bli presentert på Litteraturhuset 28. september.

Time and place: , Zoom meeting

Brain health is essential to enjoy a productive human life. Join our webinar and hear about research news in the EU consortium Lifebrain, which explores data from 16 brain research studies in 7 European countries.   

Time and place: , Harnack House, Berlin

A healthy brain is essential for enjoying a good and autonomous life. Various social, occupational, lifestyle and other environmental factors can influence brain health. At the conference “Promoting brain health across the lifespan”, scientists will discuss the latest experimental approaches and evidence from two major European research consortia regarding the impact of socioeconomic factors, physical activity, nutrition, and mental training on cognitive function, mental health, and well-being throughout life. These results will also be explored in light of prevention and intervention strategies for brain disorders.

The conference will gather European speakers from different research areas including psychology, neurology, neuroimaging, psychiatry, genetics, molecular biology, and medicine.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset, Oslo

Folk blir stadig mer opptatt av hjernen. Det er ikke uten grunn, for hjernen er en av det viktigste organet vi har. Med hjernen gjør vi alt. I samspillet mellom hjernecellene oppstår alt det menneskelivet rommer. Alle tanker, følelser og minner, alle planer og handlinger, all menneskelig kultur, språk og samfunnsdannelse har sin opprinnelse i hjernen. Det er takket være hjernen din at du er i stand til å lese denne teksten, bevege kroppen, forelske deg, le, gråte, fortvile, juble eller for den saks skyld planlegge hva du skal ha til middag. Hjernen inneholder mange gåter, men forskerne lærer stadig mer om hvordan hjernen fungerer. Noe av denne kunnskapen kan vi anvende i egne liv. Slik kan vi være med å bidra til egen hjernehelse.

Your brain is your life! Lifebrain public lectures series 3.

Time and place: , Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo, Litteraturhuset

Your brain is your life-Lifebrain public lecture series, 2.


Time and place: , Brussels

Representatives of 14 partners from 8 European nations (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK) will meet in Brussels, 16-18th January, 2017 to join forces in the implementation of the LifeBrain project.